iSchool Capstone


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Vedette: Streamlining Bug Report Deduplication For Google's Android Security

Duplicate bug reports are time-consuming for Google’s Android Cybersecurity Analysts and external Bug Reporters. 90% of submitted bug reports are unactionable, with many being duplicates. Enter Vedette, an AI-driven addition to Google’s existing Vulnerability Rewards Program Platform. Vedette grants Bug Reporters insight into the similarity of their proposed report to ones submitted by other reporters in the past, offering curated report comparisons that examine key threat attributes. By providing real-time deduplication assistance, Vedette helps Bug Reporters make informed reporting decisions, saving themselves and Google Security Analysts time and energy to focus on investigating novel security threats.
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Waza: Home-cooked Food Delivery

In India, young professionals often leave home in pursuit of their dreams. Cooking can feel like a chore after a long day of work, however, and no restaurant can replicate mom’s home-made flavors. Through our project, we created a digital platform that acts as a two-sided marketplace connecting home chefs to hungry customers. By integrating feedback from users on both sides, we created a prototype designed carefully for providing the best user experience to everyone involved. For customers, we provide a convenient mealtime option. For chefs, we provide a means for making a living. For everyone, we created a community.


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Analyzing the Gender Gap in Tech Authorship

Gender disparities in computer science authorship persist as a significant challenge in academia. Our project involves creating a data visualization website to highlight the gender gap in computer science research. We discovered that women represent a mere 21.9% of published papers. Additionally, women constitute only 25% of full-time professors and earn just 80% of what their male counterparts make. By presenting engaging data visualizations and employing a predictive algorithm, our website sheds light on the future gender gap. This project empowers others by raising awareness and facilitating informed actions to combat gender disparities in computer science
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Centering Washington Tribal Libraries: Providing a Roadmap for Digital and Physical Collections

Understanding how to use an integrated library system, Koha to automate the library services of a targeted tribal library to better organize their collection and provide an easy and accessible services to their patrons. In addition to informing the stakeholder what Koha can do for them, learning their needs and expectations to ensure that the system is suitable to their needs is also the aim of the project.
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The Humanalyst platform gives individuals access to the latest data and insights from organizational science, empowering them to thrive in a safe, supportive, and nurturing workplace. After recognizing the market's lack of free resources for individuals to evaluate work well-being, Humanalyst provides an easy-to-use psychometric evaluation to help workplaces and employees assess job satisfaction and well-being. Eventually, Humanalyst aims to democratize access to employee experience tools and data in order to make work work for everyone.
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PenSec - Cybersecurity Education for Students and Small Businesses

Cybersecurity is a field that has seen an incredible amount of growth in the last decade. PenSec is an educational platform for students and small businesses looking to expand their knowledge within cybersecurity, more specifically within penetration testing. While most people are aware of the implications a weak cybersecurity infrastructure can have, they are unaware of where to begin. Through PenSec, we aim to allow people to gain an insight into penetration testing and provide them with resources to further their interest in cybersecurity.
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3D Digitization Toolkit

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the importance of making museum materials accessible to the public via the internet. While photographs are useful for this purpose, 3D models create unique opportunities to view objects from all angles. The goal for this project was to create an online toolkit that includes all the information a small cultural heritage institution needs to create 3D models of their objects and make them available online. In this way, cultural heritage institutions will be able to create more dynamic online exhibits, invite guests to see objects in new ways, preserve more fragile artifacts, and more.
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A Living Book: Documenting History through Unconventional Mediums

The initial concept of this project was to create the proposition for a web-based timeline of the Book Arts movement. In doing data collection, I realized that I had taken for granted Sandra as a storyteller, and it would benefit all students, particularly MLIS students, to have access to this indefinitely. Therefore, I have an additional timeline format to propose for the future; a living book, which would outlast all those involved in creating it. Based on my hometown’s “Hear, Here” system, it would preserve not only the content of Sandra’s knowledge but her way of sharing it through storytelling.
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Ace: An AI-Powered Mock Interviewing Platform that helps you Ace the Interview!

Ace Interviews with AI offers a free and customizable simulated mock interview platform to help job seekers in tech-related industries prepare for their dream job. The platform provides a realistic interview experience with instant feedback, allowing users to improve their skills in a risk-free environment. Ace Interviews with AI empowers job seekers to gain confidence and interview expertise, enabling them to stand out in today's competitive job market and secure their ideal position. Accessible from anywhere and available for free, it's the cutting-edge solution to mastering the interview process.
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AI, Anti-Bias and Accessibility

One of the most challenging topics in healthcare today is thinking about the impact of AI. This project centered on developing accessible teaching material using an anti-bias and equity lens. The crux of the challenge was creating content that spoke to Faculty, C-Suite decision makers and clinicians. Unfortunately, expertise is often siloed across these groups leading to negative outsized impacts. The key take-way was demonstrating the importance of expertise and demographic diversity across the data provenance pipeline in order to achieve more equitable healthcare outcomes. This collaborative work will continue towards making healthcare AI models more accessible and transparent.